
Sunday Night Jam: The Bird and the Bee, "Los Angeles"

Shropshire Slasher7/27/2015 4:42:22 am PDT

NY Post article on Hillary:

If Hillary Clinton were a cartoon character, she’d be Snidely Whiplash, forever muttering to herself, “Curses, foiled again.” And she’d be right.
The lady in waiting will have to keep waiting. Probably forever. Fate has spoken.
Already threatened by a growing trust deficit with voters, her would-be majesty now faces an even more lethal adversary. It’s called the truth, though she probably sees it as a vast, left-wing conspiracy.
The news that two inspectors general from the Obama administration want the Justice Department to investigate her handling of classified material is a potential game changer. For many Democrats, it will serve as final proof she is fatally flawed.

It is of my opinion that President Obama will throw his support behind Sen. Elizabeth Warren.