
Keith Olbermann: Trump Supporters Are Now Blaming Their Racism on Obama

compound_Idaho9/23/2016 6:07:16 pm PDT

re: #68 goddamnedfrank

Literally nothing about Trump’s evolving story makes sense, in fact he seems to be digging the hole even deeper. Why use a charity auction website at all to pay off a personal lawsuit settlement obligation that he claims he never had? If the charity auction site wrongly implied the funds were to benefit the Trump Foundation, as Trump’s people claim, why was the check settling the dispute then paid by the Foundation, and reported to the IRS as a tax free charitable contribution? He claims he didn’t write off the cost memberships but that’s almost irrelevant because he did sell them off in effect to generate personal income, the tax on which he clearly never paid because that income was wrongly attributed to his 501c3 Foundation.

Also, since the lawsuit settlement is confidential and he refuses to release his tax returns he’s created a situation where conveniently nothing he says can be verified.

Then there’s the portraits of Trump he used Foundation money to purchase, one of which has turned up gracing one of his properties, and where’s Tim Tebow’s helmet? The whole mess just keeps getting worse and worse, while most of the national media continue to pay it as little attention as possible.

The problem is that Hillary cannot call him on it. She accepts $100K+ speaking fees. Seriously, WTF does she have to say that is worth $100K. The correct answer would be nothing. $1M fee for her husband to sit on a board? It is all just bribery, payola, and business as usual. Anyone worth of voting for has no interest in being involved in politics this shit.