
A History Lesson From Bruce Hornsby & the Noisemakers: "The Black Rats of London"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷5/20/2017 7:02:06 pm PDT

The tail end of that Tampa Bay Times article quoting Tampa Mayor Buckhorn (the responsible gun operator “jokingly” threatening journalists with .50 calibre gunfire):

Despite the flak, the mayor is sticking to his guns. [their pun, not mine]

Next year, the special operations demonstration will likely take place again. And Buckhorn said he will likely come roaring back to the dock, machine guns ablaze.

“I am firing blanks,” he said. “I point the gun at everyone, not just the media. I have to point it at someone, and someone is going to get mad at me for pointing it at them.”

You “have to point it at someone?” Even blanks can hurt people (wadding, &c). While it is unlikely that Navy special ops people would load live rounds into a twin .50 cal for a demonstration, the chance is not zero and all guns are dangerous. You never point them at someone unless you intend to kill them.

Geez, even the NRA will tell you that. What it is about wingnuts that think guns are toys? Pointing my shotgun at someone is the absolute last thing I would do if I literally had no alternative (such as defending myself or someone else if unable to flee).

On the other hand, I am likely a better shot than many wingnuts.