
GOP Rep. Steve King Explains the Good Side of Rape

Swampwitch8/14/2019 11:31:57 am PDT

re: #44 Anymouse 🌹🎃

Thank you for pointing that out. Sometimes living in the middle of King country I forget that elsewhere in Iowa there are intelligent people…because damn there are a lot of people who want to paint all Iowans with the same evil brush.

Having said that…the small diner where I work has just hired Steve King’s granddaughter. She’s 14 or 15 and very nice. Everyone waited to tell me who she was. They were seriously afraid that I’d go up to her and say something along the lines of “Hey, are you a nazi like Grandpa?”. I smell a photo op here at the restaurant sometime during the campaign. I will not be participating, needless to say.