
The Return of the Hinchey-Thing

zombie2/14/2009 11:55:00 am PST

I wholly support the Fairness Doctrine.

Every time bias or partisanship appears on a media outlet, the opposing view must be presented.

Since 90% of the media is left-leaning, we’ll then get the ability to neutralize their message with a message of our own.

They get to counteract Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, and Dennis Praeger.

And so we’ll get to counteract the New York Times, PBS, NPR, ABC, CBS, NBC, Newsweek, etc. etc. etc.



Oh wait — are you saying that “fairness” only goes one way? That you get to muzzle me, but I don’t get to muzzle you?

As Orwell would say:

Some doctrines are fairer than others.