
Supreme Court Rules Against Sotomayor, For Saudi Arabia

Kragar6/29/2009 10:22:55 am PDT

Ahmadinejad: Neda’s death is ‘suspicious’

Iran’s ambassador to Mexico — one of few Iranian officials who has spoken to CNN since the disputed June 12 presidential election — suggested that U.S. intelligence services could be responsible for her death.

“This death of Neda is very suspicious,” Ambassador Mohammad Hassan Ghadiri said. “My question is, how is it that this Miss Neda is shot from behind, got shot in front of several cameras, and is shot in an area where no significant demonstration was behind held?

“Well, if the CIA wants to kill some people and attribute that to the government elements, then choosing women is an appropriate choice, because the death of a woman draws more sympathy,” Ghadiri said.