
New Photos of Apollo Landing Sites from Lunar Orbit

realwest7/18/2009 10:03:27 am PDT

re: #64 jcm

National Health Care is going to be a cash cow for Ambulance Chasing attorneys like Silky Pony. The deepest pockets of all will now be on the hook…..


Oh Yeah. Damned Ambulance Chasers. True story: friend broke his right hand, wrist and forearm; earning him a hand to shoulder hard cast and lots of great drugs.
While he was in his E.R. “room” and woke, briefly, from his drug induced sleep, he saw his right hand and all being held in an upright position by wires and pulleys and there was something stuck in the cast on his hand by his thumb. He pulled it out and it was a lawyers business card - scribbled on the back was a message “call me. no fee to you”.
He gave me the card when I visited him in his semi-private room and I a) wrote a STRONG DAMN letter to the hospital about letting this clown lawyer into the ER rooms and b) wrote a MUCH STRONGER DAMN letter to the Bar Association. He was in fact disciplined by the Bar - couldn’t practice for all of six months.
BTW, did I mention that the Trial Lawyers Association pretty much controlled the Bar Association Disciplinary committee at the time?