
Onion: The Facebook-Twitter Revolution

Last Mohican9/01/2009 9:34:48 pm PDT

re: #76

I quit looking at the links after awhile.
At first, there was a lot of interesting stuff, and then they seemed to get filled up with a lot of garbage, and I got frustrated trying to get through it all.

Well, they do sort of escape from editorial review, as it were, because a lot of us aren’t paying attention, and Charles can’t always be monitoring them either.

I think I’m evolving an ability to select out the ones that interest me. For example, the “top-rated” links are usually worth looking through to see if they’re clickworthy. And I often try to look for links that are to primary sources, rather than to other blogs, although I also enjoy learning about another new blog now and then.

There are certain people who do seem to post every new entry into their own blog as a spinoff link, sometimes 10 or more links per day, and I’ve learned to pretty much ignore those. It’s not that I necessarily dislike their blogs, it’s just that, if I want to see every new thing they’ve posted, I’ll just go to their blog and look there.