
Report: Pakistani Arrested in Times Square Attack

ausador5/03/2010 10:42:07 pm PDT

re: #37 tradewind

Still, Commissioner Kelly said that if it had ignited, there would have been a fireball that would have blown out windows, created shrapnel, and probably killed people.
If there were enough of those incidents spread out around the country, the emotional impact would equal that of a much larger attack.

They got the “emotional impact” even though the attack once again completely failed, just like the last two. The more we and the news talk about it, the more people are afraid, the more people are willing to accept ever more draconian government intervention in order to “keep us safe” the more the terrorists win.

This is course #101 in the terrorist play book, it is why they are called terrorists, their only aim is to make our own government so harsh and authoritarian that we ourselves rebel against it, when we do that they have won.