
What Right Wing Extremist Violence? Part 2

Mardukhai7/20/2010 4:28:56 pm PDT

re: #67 Obdicut

So no, you can’t provide any proof to back up your story?

Why is one incident of black racism— assuming that your story is true— more important to you than the vastly more common white racism against blacks, the lynchings that were occurring even during that time, the murder of civil rights workers, etc?

What sort of proof do you want? You’re a typical liberal, what is inconvenient to you never happened. Like the Zebra Killings. Did I fake those as well? (By the way, I’m a Democrat, I support most of the Obama Administration’s policies. But the Atty. General should resign.)

By the way, as a journalist, I’m working on a book about the so-called “Student Strike” — It’s remarkable how many famous people should have gone to jail for extortion and embezzlement.