
Gingrich Bails Out of the Anti-Mosque Demonstration

Bubblehead II8/21/2010 11:52:57 am PDT

Well the Harpy may have cleaned up her main blog, but she still has the newt listed as being a speaker over at the sioa site. I also ran across this in the

SIOA Condemns Obama’s Blessing of Ground Zero Mega-Mosque; Bolton, Wilders, Gingrich to Speak At 9/11 Rally post. (Sorry for the direct link, the Google cache page isn’t working properly)

“The confirmed list of speakers includes 9/11 family members; former U. S. Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton; former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich; the Dutch Parliamentarian and freedom fighter Geert Wilders; Gary Berntsen, a candidate for the U.S. Senate from New York; Jordan Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice, which has filed suit to stop the Ground Zero mega-mosque; Ginny Thomas, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s wife; Michael Grimm, a candidate for Congress from New York’s 13th district and a 9/11 first responder; and journalist Andrew Breitbart.”
