
Anonymous: Anarchy Fail

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)12/17/2010 3:43:29 am PST

re: #28 Killgore Trout

This is getting a little silly. There’s no reason to believe anything Barrett has done is illegal.

The above article does match up with my experience of anon, which is that the leaders are not spontaneous emergences but forceful personalities with some cohesion to them.

This sort of organization is not anarchic, as 000G points out. The lack of transparency about the leadership alone prevents that. Some might argue that Anon is truly anarchic but is on the defensive and thus can’t engage in transparency due to the treat of the authorities. That they ‘need’ to be defensive may well be true; that that means they remain anarchic is not. Without consensus, collaboration, or some visible way for the leaders to arise, it’s not any respectable version of anarchy.

And yes, I think there are respectable versions of anarchy. Like this one: