
GOP Budget: No More Color Copies for the Pentagon

Achilles Tang4/05/2011 10:54:43 am PDT

re: #54 Aceofwhat?

3. We already tax our rich more than Europe does. Republicans like me aren’t petrified of increasing taxes when there’s benefit to be had - the rich can afford it, after all - but let’s first remind ourselves that we already tax our rich more than most. Overreliance on the wealthiest is a recipe for a bumpy fiscal future. Just ask California.

If you mean corporate tax, there are so many loopholes that only the stupid pay the maximum rate.

If you mean income tax, I do not think we tax more, and even there the loopholes abound. In our present circumstances, tightening belts means less in the pocket or in services in one way or another. Whether that is achieved by taxing income or denying a benefit (or a job in a cutback), the net result of pain is the same is it not?

Corporate taxes are one issue, but I fail to see where the wealthiest are going to apply their personal income to job creation. If they have a business any such income will not be declared as personal income but as part of a business.

So what was that argument about not taxing the wealthy, again?