
Fox Business Host Wants Obama to Be Tortured

Ming5/05/2011 11:39:48 am PDT

I don’t usually like to mention the race card, but it may be relevant in the case of torture. I wonder how enthusiastic Fox News would be about torture, if we were talking about domestic terrorists, like people who bomb abortion clinics, or the white supremacist(s) who placed a bomb at a recent Martin Luther King Day parade in Spokane, Washington.

According to the theory of Fox News, that torture is effective, then it would be effective to round up people who could provide information about abortion clinic bombers and white supremacists. Then, the police, or the military, could torture those people.

Except I’d be surprised if Fox News, and the right wing in general, would be in favor of torturing, say, members of the Aryan Brotherhood. Could it be because they’re white and Christian?

Remember how the right wing reacted to intrusive TSA airport searches. Sure, they want to be tough in the war on terror. But they don’t want the TSA to pat down people who look like them.