
Right Wing Freaking Out Over Jill Scott

Chaplain5/11/2011 2:04:09 pm PDT

Breitbart bloggers are almost as imbecilic as their boss… which seems almost impossible but yet somehow they manage it.

I see the context she is trying to present this in but I can’t help but think about an episode of family guy where Brian (the dog) kept barking at Dr. Dre (because he was black) and then kept apologizing for it claiming “that is not me, that was my father… I vote Democrat”.

Family Guy Brian Barks at Dr. Dre

I believe in the rights of anyone to marry anyone regardless of race, religion or creed but to me, what she says here (regardless of her race or historical justification) smacks of racism.

I have read her full, un-edited words several times and I can’t reconcile how she says she feels when she sees a white woman and a black man together with her claims of not being racist because she was brought up that way. I know that as long as some people exist (Birthers, The John Birch Society and the typical Breitbart reader) racism will never be destroyed completely but I expected more from someone who knows what it feels like to be discriminated against.

In my opinion, people have a right to complain about what she said. Unfortunately, the right wing is using this as another excuse to satisfy their Obama derangement syndrome. Which is equally disgusting. But, no one should defend what she said simply to deny the right wing their newest ready made attack add. I don’t think we need to stoop to their level to beat them.