
Breitbart Editor-In-Chief Incites Violence Against OWS Protesters

McSpiff11/17/2011 11:43:01 am PST

re: #74 allegro

Indeed. I’m thinking LGF must be a pretty young bunch - or some of the oldsters among us have short memories - but NO protest movement worked the first time. It was years of protesting and growing the movements, getting messages out, taking a stand over and over again. They had the same bullshit complaints and push-back about the “troublemakers” whether African Americans, anti-war “hippies”, or suffragettes.

Some of us believed in what we were doing enough to take those risks that Killgore is so gleeful of. We got teargassed, we got arrested, and we goddamn persevered to do it again another day, in another place, as the movements grew, evolved, and changed the landscape. I am quite proud of the teeny tiny place I had in those efforts as will those who persevere in today’s efforts.

The failures now are not the OWS, they are the systematic wrongs that made the OWS necessary. Until those wrongs are righted, I think the beast has been now awakened and it will not be going back to sleep.

Many of us have grown up without protests being successful, with some being largely negative. Saigon fell in 1975. Dr. King died in 68. I was born in 1987.

I grew up with riots at the G7/G20, the failed Iraq War protests, etc