
Video: Rick Santorum's Astoundingly Anti-Science Rant

Kragar2/09/2012 1:44:42 pm PST

Santorum Doubles Down: ‘ObamaCare’ Is The First Step To The ‘Guillotine’

In his escalating war on President Obama’s fake war on religion, Rick Santorum warned yesterday that America is headed towards a French Revolution-style guillotining spree thanks to “President Obama and his overt hostility to faith in America.” The GOP presidential hopeful reiterated the claim today in Oklahoma, suggesting that the left wants public decapitations and that the Affordable Care Act is the first step:

SANTORUM: It was a secular revolution on which we relied on the goodness of each other. This is the left’s view of where America should go. And of course where did France go? To the guillotine. To tyranny. If there are no rights that government needs to respect, then what we see with ObamaCare is just the beginning of what government will do to you.