
Wednesday Night Open

Sawgrass Man9/12/2012 7:32:43 pm PDT

I’ve got to got get some paint ready for a job with the .01 percenters tomorrow, so I can’t follow the thread, but you all might want to check this out:
Dan Murphy at Christian Science Monitor: There May Be No Anti-Islamic Movie At
He makes the case that it’s a dumb (actually, I thought it was a pretty decent Foley) hack job, dubbing stuff like “Islamic Terrorists” onto the soundtrack in the place of the original dialog.
You can see for yourself, if you’ve got the stomach for it. The YouTube vid is at: and one of the early inserts is at 1:51 when the protagonist writes a nonsense “equation” on a whiteboard— watch the lips when he says “Islamic Terrorist.” Probably lots more, but why pick apart a dog turd just to find out if it’s really dog shit?
BTW— I think I read the whole thing didn’t blow up until someone posted an Arabic-dubbed version of this. The sound fakery wouldn’t be apparent.