
Bruce Bawer on the 'Anti-Jihad' Meltdown

Dark_Falcon5/06/2009 5:44:37 pm PDT

re: #768 Cato the Elder

I can’t wait to hear the whinging from the brave hearts in the “little band of fighters defending the West”.

LotR complex about to go into overdrive. Bawer seduced by Mordor. Orcs on the march. No quarter.

And prolly some jabs at Bruce’s orientation from drag-queen impersonator Atlas. Irony overload. Duck.

LotR Character Analogies:

Barack Obama = Lord of the Nazgul

George Soros = Sauron

Nancy Pelosi = Shelob

Sarah Palin = Galadriel

Robert Spencer = Grima Wormtongue

Any others?