
Got a Big Hamas Fish

Walter L. Newton1/15/2009 1:27:33 pm PST

re: #758 J.S.

yeah. spotting them is the problem…(i sometimes go by the following: catch a person telling a lie, the first time, let it go; second time, take note, don’t forget it; third time, that’s it — third lie and it’s time to break it off or sever the relationship…that would mean — look for another job, if the boss is the liar; look for a different partner; etc.)

Well, over the last 3 months since I met her, I have come across some “questionable” things, but nothing that could be seen as outright “criminal.” But, with her in the hospital, and me having access to her personal records and permission to dig up stuff at her house, I have come across stuff that she had been keeping to herself.

And then of course, as I say, she has been treating people like shit, nurses, doctors, social workers. Really, sort of in a white trash way.

No, don’t fly with me.