
The GOP and Creationism

Shanimal19182/23/2009 6:58:00 pm PST

I hear you topazpilot and I felt the same as you for a long time. But the more I read on this topic on LGF it finally started to sink in. This isn’t really about creationists, it’s about the left wing and their water carriers in the MSM making the GOP candidates look like kooks. That’s why the GOP leaders keep getting asked about this irrelevant topic. So they can keep printing stories with a goal of making the GOP (like these governors) look like kooks. Once again I thank Charles for being ahead of the curve on this issue, and sticking with it. You guys finally got the point through my thick skull! Maybe creationism isn’t such a big issue at all, but when the top GOP candidates keep getting asked and answer these type of questions, the MSM keeps printing stories, and the dems win. And we lose, even those who could care less about the topic.