
Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit) Staged the Carnahan Coffin Stunt

Killgore Trout3/25/2010 9:37:51 am PDT

From the Hot Air Green Room: The Revolutionary War wasn’t fought for much more than this

The Revolutionary War wasn’t fought for much more than this. The American people are angry — furious, in fact. They’ve been steadily fighting this bill for the past year. They’ve made their voices heard. It couldn’t have been more obvious if it had bit the Democrats on their collective noses. Yet Democrats passed it anyways. They completely ignored the will of the constituents they are elected to serve. Did they really expect that there would be no consequences? Actions bring results, and they aren’t always good. You take an angry populace who is begging you to listen to them, and then do the exact opposite of what they want, and you’re just asking for trouble. It’s to be expected that a few people are going to go off the deep end. And yes, those people should be punished. But come on, Dems — you gotta realize, you reap what you sow. Not too long ago, citizens of the British empire were overtaxed and living under tyranny. It didn’t take much more of a spark to set off a war. Democrats seem to be emulating the British tyranny now. Another revolution isn’t the answer, but like I said — actions have consequences. You cannot trample the rights of the American people without some pushback.

This is a lesson to be learned by Democrats, not by tea partiers or conservatives or Republicans. They wrought this hell upon the country, and eventually, they’re going to have to pay… although hopefully, it will be in a non-violent manner which consists of voting their sorry asses out of office in November.