
Silver Surfer #1, 'The Origin of the Silver Surfer' (August 1968)

DaddyG4/22/2010 9:53:51 am PDT

re: #725 avanti

AP is having a bit of a revolt over at Hot Air after posting a thread critical of the Arizona birther bill. Many of the posters are still convinced Obama was not born in USA.

The AJC blog had plenty of deniers load up on comments after the legislature proposed a bill that required all candidates in GA elections to provide a certified birth certificate to be on the ballot. That comes from the department of redundant redundency.

Even links like this one: didn’t seem to put a dent in the number of wingnuts asking for proof.

That was followed today by posters who were proud of the fact that they only answered question #1 on the census form despite being given evidence like this:

Prompting me to ask the question… Why is it the same nuts who are asking for personal comfirmation of Obama’s original long form birth certificate are objecting to being asked constitutionally encouraged census questions about themselves?