
Arizona Rep. Giffords Shot, Several Others Killed

SFGoth1/08/2011 3:04:05 pm PST

Isn’t “right wing libertarian” a contradiction in terms? None of the right wingers I know approve of my marijuana usage or my pro-choice stance. It’s like saying “left wing libertarian” — what, a leftie who supports the 2nd amendment and limited government?

Maybe things are a little more complex than many of you have time to consider before posting. I routinely argue with both lefties and righties that Hitler cannot be pigeonholed as either left or right. But noooo, both sides seize on something (such as “Nazi = national SOCIALIST!!!!!!!!!!” or he was an authoritarian dictator; so was Stalin) when simple labels don’t apply.

Go watch football and let the facts play out. As William Shatner said, get a life. (I don’t mean to trivialize the shooting and deaths, but this obsession isn’t getting anywhere.)