
Update on Arizona Anti-Immigrant Murder Case

iceweasel6/17/2009 10:07:10 pm PDT

This is a driveby, but I’ll be back later—

Here is progressive blogger Hilzoy, who kicks fierce ass, slaughtering Ayers in a post. Many comments follow, all condemning Ayers (i only took a quick look) — I notice one of the commentators even links to zombie.

Here’s the money bit for those short of patience:

After three of their own were blown up, Weatherman tried not to hurt people, though they did blow up property, and seem to have placed a lot of trust in their ability to tell, for instance, whether any janitors were still in the buildings they bombed. And after that explosion, according to Ayers, the Weather Underground got a new name. But when his co-Weathermen blew themselves up, they were planning to kill a whole lot of people. Weatherman was never nonviolent.

Bill Ayers and the Weather Underground did more than ‘cross lines of legality, of propriety and perhaps even of common sense.’ They were, by any standard I can think of, terrorists. As one historian says, “The only reason they were not guilty of mass murder is mere incompetence (…) I don’t know what sort of defense that is.”

They say they did it to end the war in Vietnam. But how, exactly, that was supposed to happen is a total mystery. It’s the Underpants Gnome theory of political activism:

Phase 1: Set a bunch of bombs.
Phase 2: ?
Phase 3: The war ends!

That level of tactical idiocy is one thing when you’re collecting underpants. It’s quite another when you’re setting bombs.

And here is Katha Pollitt condemning him in the Nation:

Bill Ayers Whitewashes History, Again

So trust me, even if the friends or family you have that are libs are defending this douche, there’s a ton of leftys and progressives who never did.

(sorry, have to run; will be back at some point)