
Obama's Jobs Speech, Thread 2

Killgore Trout9/09/2011 8:22:42 am PDT

re: #789 makeitstop

Call me an optimist, but the reaction to the speech in a solidly Republican area of the country is encouraging.

And the fight hasn’t started yet - McConnell and Boehner were talking trash yesterday afternoon, ‘same failed ideas,’ etc. etc.

Where are the big bad Republicans today? No statement from McConnell, nothing from Boehner, and Cantor is whining like a little girl because Obama vowed to take it straight to the voters.

They know if they reject the speech straight up they are going to get burned. They know that Obama has an issue to beat them over the head with from now until election day if they try the same shit they pulled during the debt ceiling fight.

They’re scared. They’re hiding. And the first one to stick their head up is gonna get smacked.

I can’t wait. This jobs plan is a winning issue and the TGOP knows it.

I think you’re overly optimistic. The Republicans were willing to go to the hilt to protect the very unpopular tax breaks for the rich during the debt ceiling debate. They aren’t at all concerned with their popularity outside of the Tea Party fringe. The talk this morning is they’ll pick out a few provisions in Obama’s plan (probably just a few tax breaks) and pass them separately but they’re going to do as little as possible to help the economy.