
Huckabee Forgets the First Amendment of the US Constitution

Arkay2/11/2009 12:00:50 am PST

Apparently we’re supposed to just forget about that pesky old Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the US Constitution, which states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion…

Apparently we’re supposed to just forget about THE REST OF THAT that pesky old Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the US Constitution, which states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, OR THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF…

What part of “The Free Exercise Thereof” does not the Congress (much less Charles) understand?

If Congress makes money available for education, Congress cannot exclude religious studies from the list of studies that money can be used for, as that would inhibit the “free exercise” of religion. If Congressional money can be used to turn, say, medical studients into exterminationist executioners by requiring them to learn how to murder the unborn in a treatment environment, why can’t the same money be used to support those who would oppose that training for religious reasons, even if we disagree with those religious reasons’ ultimate basis? Answer: Because those who want to pay for the doctors’ transmorgrification are in the driver’s seat and those who oppose them are not.

Don’t get me wrong. There are certain religions who are clearly, to me, based on abject bullshit. Islam (the belief that a desert barbarian who had sex with children 1400 years ago was a Prophet of God and the model of all humanity), Mormonism (the belief that the Lords of Kobol rule all) (oops, that’s Battlestar Galactica; I meant “Lords of Kolob”); Jehovah’s Witnesses (the belief that an American preacher with a red pen in 1914 has more authority to hack up the Bible than the Council of Nicaea)…. all are largely rooted in obvious falsehoods.

But the purely secular idea that God can be stripped out of our society is equally false. This bill states that only those things from which the Creator (referred to directly in the Declaration of Independence) have been certified to have been bleached can be funded by government. That is a violation of the First Amendment—a violation of the Free Exercise Clause.

Not that it matters what was in that compost pile of a “bailout bill.” Ultimately this is but a small fly in a stinking dungheap. But it is the smug and certain belief that Those Chrischuns Ain’t Getting My Tax Money that can be imposed (in a way that would be intolerable if they said “Democrats”) is the latest step down the road to drive Christianity out of public life…. and (whether Charles likes it or not) Christianity is the underpinning of the Constitution. Remove Christianity from society and the Constitution goes with it, within a generation, and it replacement by sonething secularistically absolutist must follow. (Look at the rest of the world, pal, and read what has happened in the last 100 years!)