
Noonan: Can We Play 'Grown-Up' Now?

NY Nana5/29/2009 10:49:19 pm PDT

If I got started on what I think of anyone who is so ignorant and cruel as to make jokes about the mentally challenged? I would not be a gentle as Mandy is, believe me.

No, none of my kids and grandkids are, but I see these people working, and doing so many things that even 30 years ago might not have been possible, as the proper care was not there yet.

1 Mentally challenged child has more human kindness, and a sweetness in them than all those who mock the fucktard’, ‘retard’, etc.? Despicable. I took care of little ones with Down Syndrome as a student nurse, and loved them…sadly we lost a number of them, as they were really being used to perfect open heart surgery, as they have Tetralogy of Fallot in far too many cases…they were pioneers, and I also assisted in the surgery. I trained at Brooklyn Jewish, where a pioneer in this surgery was perfecting it.

Next time you see a Downs kid? Please give them a smile. The one you get back will make your day.

I am off to sleep, as we hope to go to Brooklyn to baby sit for our almost 3 year old grandson…for the evening, so the kids can go out. I need extra sleep in order to try and keep up with him.

Sorry for the rant, but this really gets me so damned angry.

G’nite, Lizards, sweet dreams!