
Phone Number in Roeder's Car Belongs to Woman Convicted in Abortion Clinic Bombing Plot

kansas6/02/2009 2:05:10 pm PDT

re: #792 Charles

Obama’s speech called for calmer rhetoric and debate. How could this have “stirred up the pot?”

On the other hand, the anti-abortion groups like Operation Rescue went insane about Obama’s speech. I know who I think is responsible for “stirring up the pot,” and it’s not Barack Obama.

I said that was topic. The caller postulated that his bringing up the subject at all had stirred to pot. And yes Operation Rescue went insane, but this is kind of repetitive, and Roeder, who also was already insane, acted out. Olbermann, on the other hand says O’Reilly and Fox did it and people should demand that Fox be turned off in public venues.