
The Sinister Pentagon Mosque Conspiracy

jamesfirecat8/05/2010 8:41:37 pm PDT

re: #780 Dark_Falcon

Blog Devils (4)
Level 18 Ring-Wing Lackies

the Dungeon Master should feel free to name the Blog Devils to fit the parties idea of an enemy from the right. The one below is an example, using a hostile ring-wing blogger as a template. The stats for all four devils are the same.

Unzipped Weasel

A portly man in a weasel suit, with an unzipped fly.

Armor: Obtusium chain-mail (reduces damage from fact-based weapons by 30%).


Lunatic Lightning: Devil uses lightning from its hand. 3 hex range, 4D6 damage (reduced 50% with a save).

Explosive Scandal: The devil throws a paper containing an “Outrageous Outrage!!1” at you. It does 3D6 damage with a 2 hex blast radius. If the spell fails, roll the casting again. On a second fail, the scandal explodes in the devil’s hand, damaging it instead.


Falchion (short sword) of Fury: 2D10 damage (reduced 50% by a save).

No special.

Cool, keep going.