
Another Thread for Boston Bombing Updates

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/15/2013 6:24:04 pm PDT

re: #2 makeitstop

And rightly so.

“Terrorism” is now a hot-button word, a pavlovian programming of a certain segment of American society giving a four syllable word hidden meaning.

40 years ago… bombings would bring up “SLA” or “IRA” or some other anti-societal group bent on demonstrating violence in one way or another. Today the automatic guilty party in the minds of many Americas is “Muslim” regardless of any evidence.

Will the Fox News crowd ever use the word “terrorism” to describe what crazed gunmen do when they brandish Bushmen weaponry? No, even though the very purpose of guns designed to kill many people very quickly is indeed to instill “terror”.