
Greenwald: Snowden Leaked Secrets to "Ingratiate Himself to Hong Kong and China"

piratedan6/25/2013 1:44:43 pm PDT

re: #1 HappyWarrior

Then he’s a criminal. Sorry but this isn’t some guy who was troubled by policy and shared it with a friendly reporter. This is a guy who shared information with countries hostile to the US so he’d impress them. I don’t care if it makes me sound right wing and fascistic as hell, he committed a crime and he should go to trial for it. And if Greenwald knew he intended to give his information to a foreign power then I wonder about him too.

believe that comes under the heading of “aiding and abetting”. The Libertarian credo, I/Me/Myself up and above any and all other entities. So Snowden doesn’t see himself as an American, which is fine, but as a citizen of the world and trying to make this a better place. Shame that he didn’t take the same chutzpah to many of the various other problems of the world instead.