
Wall Street Is Underestimating How Dangerous Republicans Are For The World's Economy

Scottish Dragon10/04/2013 1:54:02 pm PDT

And this sort of manichean absolutism is what scares me to death. These people do not want a bargain or deal. They do not want compromise and will accept none on any terms.

They want the complete usurpation of this President and every elected Democrat in every state, city and town. They will not stop, and they will not recognize any previous accepted norm of democratic governance. They will not accept the legitimacy of any vote that goes against them.

I have seen this week that more and more people are wondering if this comes to a new shooting civil war. In a way, we are playing out a cold civil war now. I have no idea if this ends in bloodshed, but there is no guarantee that America as we know will survive the century.

Bonus editorial at Financial Times. requires registration.