
Saturday Acoustic Jam: Ewan Dobson and Zach B: Halloween 2012

Rightwingconspirator10/26/2013 4:41:31 pm PDT

re: #4 Stanley Sea

I’m a demon ghost from Shriek. D_L is a witch, in the style of the lady instructor at Hogwarts.

Whoa. Watching “Flipping Vegas”. Dude buys a condo in a gang ridden area.
He’s into the flip, crews in and out.

Then he gets a call about a break in, police called. On camera this guy that bought the place drives over, no cops visible, just grabs a Glock with a laser sight and flashlight and walks in to clear the place or confront a likely burglar or worse. He is taking it to the possible bad guy. Solo. At least that what it looks like. Caveat-Few things are less genuine than reality shows.

What gets me is this shows a really dangerous and irresponsible approach. Call the cops and let them clear the place. Yeesh.