
Stephen Colbert vs. Gamergate

klys (maker of Silmarils)10/30/2014 10:03:35 pm PDT

re: #6 teleskiguy

It’s calmed down after like 6 or so responses. It’s pitiful, really. All of them were along the lines of “Well, if you don’t call yourself a gamer then who’re you to judge?”

I used to be a gamer. Last system I had was a PS2 and about 50 or so games. Sold it all years ago and haven’t looked back.

Grand Theft Auto was my crux, the apex, it could not be better. And after San Andreas I walked away from gaming.

I’m an RPG girl. Like I said, I met the husband playing World of Warcraft. I confess that I am eagerly awaiting the new Pokemon release next month.

But it’s not like they would listen to me either, and I run (as a woman) too high of a risk of seeing more backlash than I want to handle.