
Obama to Seek Congressional Backing for Military Campaign Against ISIS

Romantic Heretic11/07/2014 1:52:46 pm PST

re: #3 Indy GOP Refugee

So I take it you guys figure we should leave it to others to succeed or fail at removing ISIS from the areas they control?

I don’t think it is any of the world’s business what happens inside the borders of Iraq or the Caliphate or whatever. They are not even vaguely an existential threat to us here in the West.

I’m sorry as hell for the people living there but it’s their problem to solve. If NGOs like Medicine sans Frontieres or OXFAM or Feed The Children send help I’ll support them. But I don’t support us being ‘policemen of the world’.

If we are, where are we going to stop? China’s hardly a beacon of democracy and freedom. Do we go to war with them?