
Thursday Night Jam: Jacob Banks, "The Unknown"

Ziggy_TARDIS7/30/2015 7:45:41 pm PDT

Cameron is doing a really shitty job in regards to radicalism in the UK.

The Government watchdog which inspects police forces’ readiness for terrorism admitted that it employed one of Britain’s most notorious Islamic extremists.
For almost two years Abdullah al Andalusi, led a double life, the Telegraph can reveal.
By night, he taught that the terror group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) was “no different to Western armies,” said that “kaffirs,” non-Muslims, would be “punished in hell” and claimed that the British government wanted to destroy Islam.

This is why, I don’t consider Brits in my search. I am super blind to things, and may miss things that are painfully obvious. And Britain has a relaxed VISA regime with the United States, our immigration service will not catch red flags. Since Britain obviously isn’t taking an interest in, you know, monitoring things.