
Boy Scouts Chief Offers Weak Non-Apology Apology for Trump's Vulgar Speech at Jamboree

lawhawk7/27/2017 12:12:38 pm PDT

re: #5 makeitstop

BSA is taking a well-deserved beating in the comments, both for the non-apology and for not setting firm ground rules as to what was appropriate and what was not.

I saw one guy tossing around lame insults like ‘Broflake,’ but the smart people in the comments put him in his place pretty quick.

Ground rules? Where Trump is concerned, he doesn’t believe in rules, morals, ethics, or basic etiquette. He just does whatever he’s going to do.

The BSA deserves the scorn and derision for this mess, and the limp wristed response to Trump’s actual speech.

That a bunch of kids would cheer to Trump regaling the audience with how a “rich developer friend” of his got bought out and got a yacht and had parties… if you know what I mean, shows that his cognitive function is that of a teen who doesn’t necessarily understand the consequences of his actions.