
True Facts With Ze Frank: The Bobbit Worm and Its Polychaete Pals

Barefoot Grin8/18/2018 6:18:22 pm PDT

Don’t know if makeitstop will see this, but there was a great anecdote about Les Pauls in Marc Maron’s podcast interview with Joe Walsh. Joe said that he loved Les Paul’s playing and when he found a Les Paul guitar, he bought it. He got two in his early years—hard to find, but not hard to find because everyone was buying them, quite the contrary; everyone was buying Beatles gear like Richenbachers and Gretsch. Anyway, he said that when James Gang was opening for the new band Led Zeppelin, he told Telecaster-devotee Jimmy Page that “you can’t play a single coil in a three piece band.” So he gave one of his two LPs to Jimmy Page, and that is Page’s Les Paul #1