
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Heat Seeking Missile

lawhawk8/22/2019 10:49:37 am PDT

That 36% is the equivalent to the crazification level of fact-impervious GOP base bigots (aka the deplorables) who’d support Trump no matter what.

Trump has never gotten above 50% in this particular polling.

The lower the rating goes, the more desperate Trump will get, and the more outlandish the lie and more extreme positions Trump will take.

He craves adulation and adoration, and he gets neither because we see through his baffling BS and cons and lies. We call him out for this, but he listens to Fox knowing that they’ll tell him what he wants to hear and that Fox misinforms their viewers to keep the con alive.

This wont end well for him - and we need to make sure that the GOP is driven from power at all levels of government.