
Seth Meyers Attic Sessions: Trump Goes Off the Rails on Twitter and Fox News

Alephnaught5/12/2020 10:49:53 am PDT

I mentioned some pleasingly weird music in the previous thread, but this is just weird full stop, even for me.

I’ve come across an article in Medium which discusses the implications of machine learning and deepfakes on music production, and it’s legal implications. (eg If you run an AI algorithm on an artist’s recordings to generate new work, is it still copyright of that artist?) An example was provided: of an AI program trained on Frank Sinatra’s recorded works from the 1940s to 60s, and instructed to make a Christmas song about hot tubs.

The result kind of works, but only if one can imagine a Frank Sinatra song produced by David Lynch. The uncanny valley effect is sky-high on this one, partly due to the music meandering around in a swing time strut in an ultimately fruitless search of a tune.
