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Joe Bacon ✅1/21/2023 4:18:19 pm PST

Klannie Oakley’s goal—take out Planned Parenthood.

Lauren Boebert’s first bill of the year centers on defunding Planned Parenthood

In a press release sent out on Friday, Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo announced her first bill of 2023, the Defund Planned Parenthood Act. As detailed in the release, the intent of this bill is to effectively block federal tax dollars from going to Planned Parenthood by redirecting them to community health centers.

“The nation’s largest abortion provider has no business receiving taxpayer dollars,” Boebert said in a statement issued along with the announcement of the new bill. “Planned Parenthood claims these funds go to healthcare for women, but last year, Planned Parenthood performed a record number of abortions while also reducing the number of well-woman exams and breast cancer screenings it performed. Instead of funding Planned Parenthood, my bill will redirect this funding to community health centers that actually meet the health needs of women across the country.”