
Cory Wong Live in London: "Flamingo"

William Lewis5/25/2024 11:25:05 am PDT

From Downstairs (ah, CL, praised be your memory):
re: #212 Nerdy Fish

As I posted here once before, “AI” is a computer science term of art for an algorithm that has the ability to produce different outputs from the same input, based on adjustments to internal factors (usually called “weights”). Non-computer scientists took that and started running with the “intelligence” aspect of it, trying to compare it to human intelligence, and then the techbros got Ideas (tm). And now we are here.

It’s how they use it now. It was used differently in the 80’s prior to the first AI winter. After the next one that’s coming soon it will change again, I am sure, for the same reason - that the companies will need to milk the Vulture Capitalists again. But that will be a decade or two down the road again just as it has been since the previous AI winter killed Symbolics and Lisp Machines, Inc as well as the Lisp Machine divisions at TI & Xerox.

I will honestly be surprised if as much survives of OpenAI in 20 years as does of, say the Xerox Dandy-lion as does at The Medley Interlisp Project a retrofuturistic software system now that it _finally_ got open sourced.