
Iran's Manhattan Project Rushing Ahead

Kosh's Shadow9/29/2009 9:25:29 am PDT

What bothers me are the people who say that we can’t stop the Iranian nuclear program.
Well, we’d better do something, or the program will be stopped when Iran is nuked.

Better a conventional war now than Iranian nukes exploding in Tel Aviv and NYC. (Yes, they cannot reach the US from Iran with their missiles, but they could from a ship or just ship the container to a harbor.) And Iran refers to the US as the “Great Satan”; they aren’t going to content themselves with the “Little Satan”.

Too bad the UN is spineless. Russia and China should be told that if they reject sanctions, they will be held responsible, especially Russia, who supplied Iran with quite a bit.
But if Tel Aviv were nuked, and Israel retaliated with nuclear weapons, the UN would condemn Israel for war crimes.