
Lettin' It All Hang Out

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks10/25/2010 6:27:09 pm PDT
In the new post-racial America, brought to us by Barack “don’t call me black or white, just call me American” Obama, we have been told our differences are behind us now…just because he exists and… just because he is black. Yet, day by day and speech by speech, this President has done more damage to race relations than any combination of Presidents since Lyndon Johnson…

We were told to vote for him… not because he was black but… because he brought with him hope and change and the promise of a color blind society. He has delivered on none of these, instead making race relations worse today than they were before he was elected.

I keep hearing pundits repeat this shit, over and over, but I don’t recall anyone ever telling me that crap. Must travel in different circles, I guess. Yet some folk keep repeating it and repeating it.

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