
How the Hard Left, By Focusing Only on Israel, Encouraged Arab Despotism

What, me worry?2/03/2011 12:30:00 pm PST

re: #6 Obdicut

I’d like to note that the ‘hard left’ has been talking about the abuses against women in Afghanistan for a dog’s age, and for a very long time were the only ones talking about it. When we were funding the muhajadeen in Afghanistan, the ‘hard left’ objected on the grounds that they were misogynist, theocratic assholes.

So while the article has quite a bit of truth to it, it leaves out a hell of a lot, as well.

The plight of women in the Arab world was not in the least a concern for the ‘right’ until it became a by-product of the excuses made up for the Iraq invasion. It was something focused on by the feminist left.

Absolutely. The Feminist Majority which sprung from N.O.W.? Or is N.O.W.? It’s been a 25 year project.

At any rate, I think this is why Dershowitz very specifically uses the codifier “hard” left as opposed to just “Left”, “Liberal” or “Democrat”. It is a distinct group and a group very well represented at HuffPo so I’m glad they heard it even if they didn’t hear it.