
The Siege of Planned Parenthood

Buck2/07/2011 11:23:03 am PST

re: #6 UNIXon

Buck, how do you distinguish a genuine outrage from an outrageous one?

Well, I thought the whole “the GOP is trying to redefine rape” thing was a perfect example of outrageous outrage. Every year the left tries to make abortion the central theme. The others are trying to take away the right to choose.

Well I see it differently. Everyone, on both sides should be trying to regulate it, and manage it. The house of horrors in Pittsburgh is a great example of that.

If you watch the videos, and don’t allow media matters to spin it then you see actual outrageous activity. You hear outrageous things. Things you (even if you are 100% pro choice, which I am) would not say, things you would not do.

Media Matters called it a hoax immediately. I don’t believe it is a hoax. I don’t see it. I don’t trust media matters. I read what they do with a critical thought. I just don’t see that there is anyway to expose people. Even if you can see and hear them, they think that can just yell HOAX, or EDITED and that should be the end of it.

Who are going to believe? Media Matters or your lying eyes?