
Rove Warns GOP-Shutdown will help Obama

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)4/08/2011 10:32:15 am PDT

re: #7 moderatelyradicalliberal

Who cares who it helps? It hurts the American people. If President Obama “wins” it will because, excluding the far right, Americans don’t believe he would knowingly do something to hurt people. We already watched him compromise on extending tax cuts for the rich in order to keep them from expiring on the not rich. He didn’t want to do it, but he didn’t want to see lower income people get hit with with an increase even for a few months. The TeaGOPers in Congress believe their own lies about the president. They think most Americans view him the way that they do and they are wrong. The man has an 84% personal approval rating and you don’t approve of someone personally if you think they are deliberately trying to hurt you. It will not be difficult for most Americans to figure out who was uncompromising and who wanted the shut down. The TPers are on video tape chanting for a shutdown and it’s primarily driven by extreme ODS and partisanship.

Mike Pence already had a slip of the tongue and told the truth about what the GOP is doing on FOX News.


Exactly, shutting down the government will hurt the American people. I don’t care that it benefits the party I support, I care about the real coincidences, politics be damned.