
Welcome To Haredistan, 'welfare state that would make the Scandinavians jealous'

Vicious Babushka1/05/2012 12:02:58 pm PST

re: #6 researchok

I will do a bit more research on this. Clearly you know more about the haredi culture/society than I.

What did come to mind was this piece by Public Radio International, Welfare support for Israel’s ultra-orthodox Jews. And this is one of many media stories along the same lines.

It is no secret I am an ardent supporter of Israel. Still, that does mean there can be no need to support a bit of house cleaning when necessary.

I know nothing about “Public Radio International” but I do know the extreme bias of Haaretz and it is totally inappropriate to stereotype an entire population. Do you think that it is right to judge all Muslims or all Blacks based on what you see at Fox News and Atlas Shrugs? I am aware that problems exist in the community just like any other ethnic and religious group in the world but Haaretz would never write any such thing about Muslims or Palestinians.