
NYTimes: Critics of Safety Net Increasingly Depend on it

cinesimon2/12/2012 4:54:10 pm PST

It blows my mind that it’s only now that the editors of the NYT decides to OK such great journalism.
Where the hell were they during the summer of rage?
Or for that matter, any other journalistic endeavor that had a large readership?
Of course the answer is obvious: too busy being politically correct, avoiding any reality or honesty on this issue for fear of being attacked by the right wing.

This also confirms what I’ve always believed when so many slag off all of journalism: there are plenty of really great journalists out there, even in such companies such as the NYT and Washington Post. The main problem is, their bosses are far too invested in the narrative, and protecting their corporate interests, to be interested in the public good and engaging the public in honest discourse.